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  • Sinds 1 juli 2017 is prof. Teun Dekker hoogleraar Liberal Arts and Sciences Education. Zijn hoofdtaken worden het Liberal Arts-woord verspreiden in Nederland en in het buitenland en onderzoek doen naar Liberal Arts education in Europese context, maar ook naar de sociale, politieke en educatieve...

  • The new University Sports Centre officially opened earlier this year boasting more modern and spacious sports facilities, increased study spaces and a chic Sports Café Time Out! One of the first to move in in the new building is the university sports council, MUSST. They have their office right by...

  • Last Friday, in Obergefell et al v. Hodges the United States Supreme Court by a 5-4 vote held that same-sex couples may exercise the right to marry in all US States. President Obama, a fervent supporter and promotor of the gay-marriage and gay rights, decided to light up the White House as a rainbow...