Our method

Long term international collaboration is one of our goals, however we also invest in tailor-made projects that meet your needs and specific interests regarding the Maastricht approach to medical education. Accordingly, if you are looking for a medical education-training program that suits you and your institute, SHE Collaborates offers the perfect solution: programs of one or more days made to your special wishes, held either at your institute or at Maastricht University. We design the program by incorporating the preferences of the prospective participants regarding staff, topics and settings.

The program takes different forms based on your specific wishes. Potentially you would like to visit the Faculty's library and study facilities, or the University teaching hospital? Would you prefer to meet with specific staff members? Are there any topics that have your special interest?

To get a better idea of what we could offer you, please have a look at three customized competence development programs that SHE offers: the Summer Course, online Certificate Courses and the Advanced MSc+ Courses. Moreover, there is SHE Collaborates’ Enabling Learning Course; a professional development course for Health Professional Educators (trainers of health professionals). These courses could be of help in specifying your wish list.

As soon as we have a good idea of your wishes and needs, we will arrange a program for you, which includes selecting the best staff member for the job.


SHE Collaborates

We can organize the program in Maastricht, with a delegation of the participating institute/organization visiting Maastricht Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences to attend the program. Alternatively, the participating institute/organization can invite one or more of the SHE 'problem-based learning (PBL) ambassadors' (staff members of Maastricht Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences) to deliver a tailor-made program in health professions education at their institute/organization.