Enabling Learning Course

The Enabling Learning Course is a professional development course for Health Professional Educators (trainers of health professionals). It focuses on making learning experiences truly valuable and rewarding – for lessons that students will remember and utilize in their professional (and maybe even personal) lives.

As a teacher (trainer, educator or facilitator) you have the noble responsibility of helping others acquire knowledge and skills that they will apply in their work. In doing so, you want to ensure that you create a space for enabling learning, so that your learners have rich, rewarding and valuable experiences. The good news is; being a good teacher – making it easy for people to learn – is a skill that you can learn.

We have designed this course for you if you have a deep desire to:

  • Be the type of teacher that can make even the most boring or difficult subject become captivating for your students
  • Be the type of teacher that helps your students learn, rather than simply memorize information to pass exams, and helps them truly understand the material and make subjects their own
  • Help your students learn how to learn, so that they can maintain updating their knowledge with developments in the field

The course offers basics of teaching and learning. In each learning cycle, or module, the participants will be introduced to principles, ideas and techniques to ‘enabling learning’ with a strong focus on experiential learning – learning by doing. The cycles will touch on the following thematic areas:

  •  Preparing for learning
  •  Planning learning
  •  Facilitating learning
  •  Assessing learning
  •  Program/course evaluation

We have designed this course in a way that requires the partakers to reflect on, and immediately apply, what they are learning to their teaching and/or training responsibilities. The face-to-face and online learning components are combined in a blended learning program, with the online course running over a period of six months and the face-to-face sessions of three days taking place at the beginning and end of the course.


Facts and Figures

  • The course is offered for teams of participants from the same or collaborating training institutions
  • The minimum number of participants for each course is 10 per training team, the maximum number of participants is 20
  • Study load: 4-8 hours per week for six months
  • Dates: subject to agreement
  • Application deadline: at least four months before the intended start date
  • Course fee: €3500 per person in a group of minimum 10 participants

To apply, please contact SHE Collaborates via Hennie Sijen (h.sijen@maastrichtuniversity) or Tchitula Teuns (t.teuns@maastrichtuniversity.nl)