Past events

  • 01 Nov

    Game Theory

    Studium Generale | Lecture Series 
    ​Various Speakers

  • 01 Nov
    15:00 - 16:00


    Learn how to build a resilient mindset that helps you to cope better and perform optimally. You will learn how to keep yourself energized and feeling well.

  • 31 Oct

    Making Sense of World Politics

    Studium Generale | Lecture Series
    Birsen Erdogan, LLM, Lecturer in International Law, UM and Cihan Erkli, Teacher International Relations UCM, UM

  • 31 Oct
    13:00 - 14:30

    UM Sport: Floorball (unihockey)

    Sports is good for the body, but it is also good for the mind. That's why UM sport offers this event for all UM students (even without UM Sport membership) during the Well-being week 2018.

  • 31 Oct
    11:00 - 12:30

    Transition psychiatry and innovative healthcare

    About @ease, an innovative healthcare initiative, which follows the example of the successful Australian Headspace concept.

  • 30 Oct

    19th Century Philosophy: Intellectual Heroes and Key Themes

    Studium Generale | Lecture Series 
    Rene Gabriëls, PhD, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, UM

  • 30 Oct
    18:00 - 19:00

    How to enjoy student life

    Studying is supposed to be fun. Okay, sometimes it’s not...acknowledged! But, how can you prevent unpleasant surprises and elegantly circumvent known and common pitfalls?

  • 30 Oct
    16:00 - 17:00

    From stress and perfectionism to mental health problems - and how to escape

    Perfectionism could lead you to enter a vicious circle of stress. Anita Janssen will demonstrate some vicious circles that could make your student life less fun than it should be, and some strategies to escape from the circles.

  • 30 Oct
    13:00 - 14:30

    UM Sport: Badminton

    Sports is good for the body, but it is also good for the mind. That's why UM sport offers this event for all UM students (even without UM Sport membership) during the Well-being week 2018.

  • 29 Oct

    Islam and the Future of Tolerance

    Studium Generale | Tans Lecture 2018
    Maajid Nawaz, writer, columnist and founding chairman of the counter-extremism organization Quilliam