01 Nov
15:00 - 16:00
Well-being week 2018


The road to being successful in your studies comes with challenges that require determination and perseverance to overcome. In this interactive lecture, you will learn how to build a resilient mindset that helps you to cope better and perform optimally. You will learn how to keep yourself energized and feeling well.

As with anything in life worth going the extra mile for, achieving your study aspirations comes with challenges. Whether it is:

  • mastering difficult subject matter to pass the upcoming exam
  • re-writing a paper after a ‘fail’ grade for a course you have to pass to graduate
  • combining meeting your study obligations with your work and busy social agenda
  • passing all courses to obtain your degree, preferably with a good grade point average

The way you cope with these challenges is essential in how successful you will be in dealing with them effectively, perform optimally according to your true potential, and become more energized and satisfied from your study and professional life.

In this lecture, you will:

  • gain insight in what exactly makes your study challenges ‘challenging'
  • learn why study challenges can be a good and a bad thing, and what makes the difference
  • gain insight in the difference between the ways of dealing that are effective and ineffective
  • learn about the importance of self-care, such as taking time to relax from your studies
  • learn how to strengthen your resilience to cope with challenges and set-backs
  • acquire practical tips and tricks to build a healthy determination and grit to perform optimally

Johan Pelssers