Maastricht UMC+ Research Committee

The Maastricht UMC+ Research Committee (WMUMC+) is an independent advisory body, tasked to provide, both requested and volunteered, advice to the Executive Board regarding matters concerning research within Maastricht UMC+.

Specific policy and operational tasks include:

  • (unsolicited) advising on matters concerning research policy of Maastricht UMC+
  • advising on the topic, content, profile and strategy described in structure reports of  to be appointed professors
  • advising on selection of candidates for the ‘Kootstra Talent Fellowship
  • providing feedback on concept proposals upon request by individual researchers
  • advising on applications related to compensation related to delay in PhD and postdoc trajectories due to COVID-19.

The Maastricht UMC+ Research Committee consists of ten members, including the chair. The composition of the Committee reflects the continuum of fundamental, translational and clinical research at Maastricht UMC+, including health sciences research. Both clinical and non-clinical disciplines are represented in the committee. In addition, two PhD candidates are appointed as advisors.

The WMUMC+ consists of the following members and advisors: