Make space for health in the city

In the project 'Making space for health in the city: towards a South Limburg knowledge agenda', knowledge gaps are identified about how our living environment influences health and (un)healthy behavior, such as physical activity and participation in society.

A wide range of partners and expertise

These knowledge gaps are identified with a partnership that includes research, policy and practice (companies, residents). For example, in this project ICIS collaborates with:

  • UM's Department of Health Promotion
  • Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
  • South Limburg Public Health Service (GGD)
  • Municipality of Maastricht
  • Municipality of Kerkrade

This brings together expertise from different disciplines, such as the design of cities, sustainability and public health.

Involving residents to identify issues

The project focuses on neighborhoods and residents with a health deprivation in urban South Limburg. By involving municipalities and residents to identify missing knowledge and priority issues, both policy goals and local needs are considered.

The final product of the first phase will consist of a regional agenda on knowledge gaps regarding a healthy urban living environment. Follow-up projects will be prepared to fill those gaps in a second phase of the project.

More information about the project

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