
  • Alumnus Jean-Paul Jaegers completed the Dutch Mountain Trail in one day on 17 April 2022. The trail is 101km long and covers seven summits in the beautiful southern parts of Limburg via the German and Belgium borders and finishing in Maastricht. In addition to the trail being a bold personal...

  • Completing a bachelor’s degree in Supply Chain Management in 2011 and a master’s in the same field in 2012—both as SBE—Patrick Mack has gone on to enjoy a career that has taken him from the Netherlands to work in three different countries, learn two new languages, and travel extensively. He shares...

  • Patrick Huntjens, Professor of Governance of Sustainability Transitions at Maastricht University, has won the Nautilus Book Award 2022 with his book 'Towards a Natural Social Contract'. 

  • The Maastricht Center for Robots (MCR) again opened its doors for a Service Robot Inspiration Session. During this session, keynote speakers Prof. dr. Stefanie Paluch, Chair of Service and Technology Marketing at RWTH Aachen University, and Roeland van Oers, Director at Welbo, talked about the...

  • Training participation among workers has dropped from 54 percent in 2017 to 51 percent in 2020. The time spent on tasks from which one can learn has also decreased. This decrease in work-related learning seems to be the result of the pandemic.

  • Many healthcare providers deal with patients who have questions about work and income. In practice, however, it is difficult to give the patient specific and appropriate advice. To this end, a new tool was developed by CAPHRI-PhD candidate Maarten Butink and Prof. Dr. Angelique de Rijk.  

  • A collection of innovative companies, which together develop products in the field of health and sustainability. That was the ambition of the Brightlands Campus on the Chemelot industrial estate at the start in 2012. The campus has now been in existence for exactly 10 years.

  • MORSE (Maastricht Observatory on Resilient, Responsible and Sustainable Enterprise and Economy), an SBE Spearhead program, had its Launch Week from 25 – 29 October. During this week, there were lectures from valued speakers, inaugural lectures from MORSE members, panel discussions with Students and...