Successful Bachelor's Open Day

Last Saturday, 12 March, almost 2,100 high school students – many accompanied by their parents – attended the Bachelor's Open Day at Maastricht University. Prospective students got not only information about our diverse bachelor’s programmes, admissions, and the Problem-Based Learning method, but also were introduced to student life in Maastricht. All the city tours offered by the VVV tourist office were fully booked.

This year’s Open Day theme was ‘Go the extra mile’: all visitors received a step-counter, and at the end of the day, those that had the most number of steps – who went the ‘extra mile’ – received T-shirts.

The hashtag #UMBOD16 was trending on Twitter. On Tagboard you can get an impression of the atmosphere during the Bachelor's Open Day:

The next Bachelor's Open Day will take place on Saturday, 12 November 2016, and the next Master's Open Day on Saturday, 8 October 2016

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