
  • Can the referral of patients with chest pain from the general practitioner to the cardiologist be more efficient? Researchers from the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) and Maastricht University will answer this question in the near future.

  • How is it possible that international organisations at a certain point lose some of their competences or even are abolished by member states? Dr Hylke Dijkstra, director of the European Studies master’s programme at Maastricht University, plans to research this issue.

  • We congratulate all UM students who have received their degree this summer!

  • Onderzoeker Willemine Willems van het project Duurzame Zorg is Rechtvaardige Zorg, heeft een presentatie gegeven over haar onderzoek naar eerstelijnspluszorg tijdens de conferentie van de European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST). Dit jaar vond de conferentie plaats van 25...

  • Maïs Sweid is from Syria. She lives in Limburg with her husband and five-year-old son and works for the Education Office at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN). Her advice to other refugees: “Meet Dutch people and learn the language as soon as possible.” This is a story about the...

  • At the graduation ceremony on 10 July, four graduates received their well-deserved diplomas for the master’s programme in Systems Biology. This was the second batch of Systems Biology graduates ever at Maastricht University.

  • Six graduates received their well-deserved diplomas for the master’s programme in Biobased Materials. During the graduation ceremony, the Menno Knetsch Master Thesis Award has been handed out for the first time to the student of the Master Biobased Materials that has written the best master thesis.

  • Philosopher Tamar Sharon explores the social and ethical impacts of new technologies in the health domain.