
  • Daan has investigated how employees communicate with each other in a multilingual metal foundry in Limburg, nearby the Dutch-German border. He worked in the metal foundry for 3.5 months to observe and experience to what degree multilingualism hindered efficient communication, and the role of...

  • The master’s programme Work, Health and Career (WHC) joined forces with the Dutch initiative ‘NL werkt aan werk’ to organise a mini-hackathon. The purpose of the hackathon was to bring students, employers, unemployed people and labor market professionals together to brainstorm about current labor...

  • A bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry in Canada, an English teacher in Vietnam, and a master’s degree in Global Health in Maastricht. Rochelle’s journey is not one you see every day.

  • As of next academic year, Maastricht University will be the first Dutch university to offer a specialisation in Quantum Computing as part of master’s programmes in Data Science for Decision Making and Artificial Intelligence.

  • lorenzo morini

    Captain Space-Heart

    MERLN’s Lorenzo Moroni coordinates a European consortium that develops a technology to create heart ventricles in space using magnetic and acoustic levitation. The subsequent research on the International Space Station will have significant benefits for the humble inhabitants of Earth.

  • Valerio is a YUFE Postdoctoral Researcher in Private Law at Tor Vergata University of Rome and he recently joined M-EPLI as a visiting researcher (January - May 2023). 

    He holds a PhD in Economics, Law and Institutions from Tor Vergata University of Rome.

    His research, supervised by dr Caroline...

  • Read more on the emergency debate on increase in international students. For now the suspension of active recruitment remains in force.

  • During the 47th Dies Natalis several FASoS students received an award for their theses that were labeled excellent by their faculty.

  • Staff at regional public transport companies will strike again.

  • Sabine van Rijt, principal investigator at Maastricht University’s MERLN Institute, has received a prestigious European grant of two million euros for her research project Nano4Bone. The ERC Consolidator Grant has a term of five years.