Daan Hovens runner-up in AVT/Anéla Dissertation Prize 2022

Daan has investigated how employees communicate with each other in a multilingual metal foundry in Limburg, nearby the Dutch-German border. He worked in the metal foundry for 3.5 months to observe and experience to what degree multilingualism hindered efficient communication, and the role of different kinds of power dynamics in this regard.

Daan Hovens

Of the 12 dissertations submitted in the first round, the jury chose three. The jury used the following criteria to assess the pre-dissertations: scope, methodology, craftsmanship, originality, impact, and clarity of reporting and then chose a top 3 nominees who also explain their research in a video.

The General Association for Linguistics (AVT) and the Dutch Association for Applied Linguistics (Anéla) award an annual prize for a dissertation in the field of linguistics.

 Watch Daan's video on YouTube 

 Read the news item of the AVT/Anéla award ceremony

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