Prestigious ZonMw grant

The ‘E-manager Chronic Diseases’ project, a collaboration between CAPHRI, TNO, NIVEL and the University of Twente, was awarded a prestigious grant within the Innovative Medical Devices Initiative (IMDI) program of ZonMw earlier this month.

The application was assigned the scores ‘very relevant’ and ‘excellent quality’. The team, led by prof. Onno van Schayck, dr. Annerika Gidding-Slok (both Research Line Optimising Patient Care), prof. Manuela Joore (KEMTA) and prof. Nicolaas Schaper (Creating Value-based Health Care) will receive €1.494.650,- for their research.

The project aims to develop and implement an e-manager app for a large group of patients with a chronic disease. A successful implementation can result in a task shift from the General practitioner to the General-practice-based nurse specialists and an improved quality of life of the patient.

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