
  • Mathijs Van Peteghem on the benefits and potential pitfalls of diversity in tutorial groups

  • The ‘E-manager Chronic Diseases’ project, a collaboration between CAPHRI, TNO, NIVEL and the University of Twente, was awarded a prestigious grant within the Innovative Medical Devices Initiative (IMDI) program of ZonMw earlier this month.

  • What do a radio station, support for psychological problems, a library of things, an app that contains all university activities and a chess club have in common? These are the five ideas that reached the final stage of the Student Idea Competition.

  • PhD candidate Daan Hovens is studying multilingualism in the workplace. “It became clear very quickly that it would be Daan”, says his supervisor Leonie Cornips. “I admire his language skills and learn from him to ask my questions clearly in advance.” Hovens: “I enjoy sinking my teeth into a subject...

  • The Maastricht University team has confirmed the excellent reputation of our Faculty by winning the European Regional Round of the ELSA Moot Court Competition on WTO Law (EMC2) in Wroclaw (Poland). The team competed against 16 other teams, getting through to the finals where they beat the team from...

  • In March 2018, Maastricht University (UM) launches an Executive Master in Cultural Leadership, in partnership with the Royal Academy of Arts in London. 

  • Emerging Markets is the latest specialisation in the bachelor’s programmes in International Business and Economics & Business Economics at Maastricht University. New as it may be, it is already popular. It has even spurred on the development of a follow-up programme to be launched next autumn: the...

  • Legal philosopher Marieke Hopman, PhD candidate at Maastricht University (UM), was presented as one of the new 'Faces of Science', a platform providing an insight into the world of research for high school students. Hopman is the fourth UM researcher to be selected for this project.

  • Op 28 maart 2018 vond het symposium getiteld ‘Toekomstmuziek in Anderhalvelijnszorg’ plaats in het Gouvernement aan de Maas te Maastricht. Het symposium georganiseerd door de Academische Werkplaats Duurzame Zorg richtte zich op de vraag of er toekomstmuziek zit in Anderhalvelijnszorg. 

  • Samantha ten Holt (master's student in Marketing Finance and Sustainable Finance) about how she found an ING internship after participating in Master Yourself workshops.