
  • Vigjilenca Abazi, Assistant Professor of European law at the Department of International and European Law, Maastricht University has been awarded a VENI grant of 250,000 euros from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). 

  • The UM administration building will soon be fitted with sound-proofing panels made from recycled textile waste by people with a labour market disability.

  • What The Hague is to peace and justice, Maastricht can become for the European citizen. A city where residents, policymakers and academics from all over Europe work on solutions to today’s problems.

  • The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant to eight young, highly promising UM scientists. Maastricht University congratulates the eight UM laureates: dr. Vigjilenca Abazi (FdR), dr. Matthijs Cluitmans (FHML), dr. Tim Hendrikx (FHML), dr. Laurentius Huber...

  • Mundo director Han Aarts visited the Faculty of Law of Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD) in Bandung, Indonesia and with Lemdiklat, the training institute of the Indonesian police in Jakarta in June to discuss the planning of the final year.

  • In June a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Maastricht University and Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand. Mundo director Han Aarts met with Thammasat rector ms. Gasinee Witoonchart at the Rangchit campus of Thammasat University to celebrate the occasion.

  • The worldwide consensus among scientists is that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the best choice for treating eating disorders. Many tried and tested CBT protocols are available, but according to several publications (for example Waller et al., 2012) these protocols are often ignored...

  • De academische werkplaats Duurzame Zorg en academische werkplaats publieke gezondheid hebben onlangs een onderzoek naar het gebruik van jeugd-GGZ in Zuid-Limburg gepubliceerd. Uit het rapport, dat inmiddels is aangeboden aan de wethouders van alle 18 gemeenten in Zuid-Limburg, blijkt dat factoren...

  • Health economists and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) scientists of Maastricht University (School CAPHRI) have organised on behalf of the European Health Economics Association (EUHEA) the 12th European Conference on Health Economics (11-14 July).

  • In the ‘Match for Brighter Futures' project, UM students are helping high school students with their homework.