
  • For 40 years already, Annemie Mordant has been convinced that academic and support staff are stronger together. Until her retirement, as the head of MEMIC (the centre for research data management), she dedicated herself to optimally facilitating collaboration between academic and support staff. “We...

  • During the 2023 ERS International Congress in Milan (Italy), the ERS presented the ERS Lifetime Achievement Award 2023 to Professor Martijn Spruit.

  • Professor of Neural Engineering and Computation, Renaud Jolivet, gave his inaugural address on September 15. Jolivet researches fundamental questions about the workings of the brain at the Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

  • Alessandro Bertolini, an experimental physicist, will be appointed endowed professor of Gravitational Wave Detection Technologies at Maastricht University on September 1. Bertolini is a world-renowned expert in vibration isolation research. His task will be to keep the mirrors of the Einstein...

  • De Lima Figueiredo, N. (2022). Local Content Requirements in WTO Law: Between Free Trade and the Right to Development . [Doctoral Thesis, Maastricht University, Universidade de São Paulo]

  • The bachelor’s programme in Medicine at Maastricht University is undergoing a major overhaul. Not only will its curriculum be brought into line with the latest societal and medical developments, but its teaching method will also change. The students who started the English track of the Bachelor of...

  • And how can it be counteracted? According to Luc van Loon, you can become a bodybuilder even after age 80. 'But the disadvantage of our dynamic muscles is that you also lose them quickly when you start using them less. Maintaining muscles is an active process. You have to keep stimulating them.' NUT...

  • Surely there can be no upsides to scrolling each day through platforms that encourage us to compare ourselves unfavourably with others? There are in fact benefits, says Philippe Verduyn, associate professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience. He has spent a decade studying the impact of...

  • Marlies Gijs is doing pioneering work in the booming field of tear-fluid research. The analysis of tear fluid is a promising alternative to more invasive examination methods, which can be both painful and risky. And it is proving its worth in neurological research, with the tears of Alzheimer’s...