
  • Do you often write news items or texts for a website? Do you regularly conduct interviews or translate scientific information into “plain language” and would you like to improve your skills? Then register for the summer course ‘Journalism and Effective Writing’, which is taught by Riki Janssen...

  • The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) is a €2 billion partnership between the European Union and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) that funds projects advancing competitive circular bio-based industries in Europe.

  • The Facebook Papers, a series of documents leaked by whistleblower Frances Haugen, brim with revelations. The company appears to have been fully aware of its role in the dissemination of false information and anger-inducing content. Moral philosopher Katleen Gabriels and data protection lawyer Paolo...

  • Already three years ago, two challenges were introduced to a certain group of households in Maastricht and in Roermond: to reduce indoor temperature to a maximum of 18 °C (‘heating challenge’) and half the number of weekly laundry cycles relative to a baseline (‘laundry challenge’). In this article...

  • If we were to replace plastic with paper or glass, would the environment benefit? Surprisingly, no, says professor of Circular Plastics Kim Ragaert. She is calling for an alternative approach aimed at increasing awareness of and knowledge about recycling.

  • How do you get your kids to eat more vegetables? It's an issue many parents struggle with. A pilot at 26 day-care centers in North Limburg shows that when children are offered vegetables on a daily basis and are rewarded for eating them, vegetable consumption goes way up.

  • In various hereditary brain diseases, a mutated protein damages brain cells, resulting in deterioration of health, disabilities and death. There is now hope to develop experimental therapies that can inhibit the production or toxic effects of these proteins. A consortium of several organizations...

  • Frans Verhey, professor of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry is proud of what the Limburg Alzheimer’s Centre has achieved and of its team, which works tirelessly to improve the quality of life of people with Alzheimer’s. “Alzheimer’s tends to be seen as a horrible, deadly brain disease that...

  • Anne Roefs was awarded a Vici grant of €1.5 million. The professor of Psychology and Neuroscience of Abnormal Eating, was tossing up between a career as a scientist or a top chef.  

  • As Russia’s geopolitical isolation deepens and economic sanctions begin to bite hard, one wonders what possessed Vladimir Putin to start his war in Ukraine? Will international sanctions help end the violence? And is there still a way to deescalate? FASoS’ Giselle Bosse on the anatomy of a...