
  • tate modern

    Life in the museum

    In August 2020—the year of the coronavirus—Vivian van Saaze, associate professor at FASoS, moved with her husband and daughter to London for a fellowship at the renowned Tate museum.

  • The next few weeks we'll present academics, students and alumni talkin about the upcoming Dutch elections in times of corona. This week Jeroen Kooman, director of EDLAB

  • Cognitive Neuroscience alum Job van den Hurk works as a data scientist and scientific manager at the MRI centre Scannexus. He is also ‘the prof’ in Brainstorm, a youth television programme on NPO Zapp. His passion: making neuroscience accessible.

  • vd walle

    Reaching for the stars

    Portrait of Bartel Van de Walle who has been director of UNU-MERIT since September 2020

  • verkiezingen

    UM votes and voices

  • Global Studies—the name of the new Maastricht University (UM) bachelor’s programme sounds perfectly Promethean. Yet the concept makes a lot of sense; indeed, it may well be the most pragmatic approach to preparing students for the 21st century.

  • Jaap van Dissel, the government’s chief medical adviser receives an honorary doctorate from Maastricht University

  • UM students Vincent and Laura Nieboer, inspired by their father, came up with an accessible concept to help farmers worldwide stop the depletion of agricultural land. They recently pitched their idea at the ‘Little big talks’ on the occasion of the celebration of 80 years of materials science and...

  • It was a long-held desire: redesigning the curriculum for the bachelor's programme in Rechtsgeleerdheid (Law).' It is a return to the thematic approach, but in a 21st century context. There are no more short cases, but one big project per semester that involves the different types of law. After two...