UM votes and voices

Dutch elections in times of crisis
18 February 2021

Lawsuits around postal voting, the occasional call to postpone, a Prime Minister who is not campaigning because the fight against the coronavirus has top priority... Elections for the Lower House on 17 March will conclude an atypical campaign. The physical limitations for politicians and media are considerable. The corona crisis dominates all (other) political items on the agenda.

In the coming weeks, we'll ask researchers about these elections in times of corona and compare them to previous elections and elections elsewhere in the world. Naturally, we will also discuss political positions surrounding university education. UM alumni in politics talk about their ambitions and the typical UM style they bring to the table.

But we'll start the series with a video in which we poll our students: do they vote, do they follow the Dutch politics and what are the issues that matter to them?

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