Minister Van Engelshoven speaks with UM students

At the invitation of Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven (Education, Culture and Science) on 12 November, eleven UM students spoke in an online meeting with the minister about their experiences with studying during corona time. Rector Magnificus Rianne Letschert and several UM employees also joined. The minister expressed her admiration for the flexibility and resilience of the students: "Impressive to see how brave the younger generation is coping through these difficult times." She emphatically called on the students to continue to care for each other. The minister indicated that she would continue to do everything she could to maintain the exceptional position for higher education: "I am convinced of the importance of partial on-campus education for the motivation and social contacts of students."

Minister van Engelshoven
Online meeting with Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven

The participating students spoke candidly about their experiences since March this year. What they unanimously missed is the physical presence of fellow students and teachers. Everything is online, even the social activities. That is sometimes difficult, they said. They also found it a lack that it is less easy to ask a question, have a discussion and learn from the cultural differences in an international environment during an online education session. Staying motivated is not easy, because under these circumstances you cannot quickly consult with a fellow student or ask a teacher for an explanation. As a result, it takes more effort to process the subject matter, which increases the study load. They force themselves to maintain a healthy daily routine by taking regular walks and leaving the screen for a moment. They also liked that more and more fellow students are coming back to Maastricht again, even if sometimes only for a few days a week.


The UM students appreciated that they are involved by their teachers and by the education experts in the search for the best solutions within the existing possibilities. They are continuously asked about their experiences with online, hybrid (half of the tutorial group on campus, other half online) and blended (combination of online and on campus) education. They saw a strong development there since March, when a rapid transition to online education had to be made. There are even teachers who organize online social activities to allow students to experience some sort of social student life under these circumstances. Students themselves do the same: they set up groups that play online games and talk to each other about other matters than their studies. Education experts said that the value of a physical campus is only now really becoming visible. It consists of face to face contact, a daily rhythm and interaction with others.

Rianne Letschert

Pride and worries

Rector Rianne Letschert was grateful to the Ministry for the fact that students and staff can still follow education partly on campus. She hoped that this will not have to change. She also expressed her pride in all the students and staff who have been persistent for so long now. At the same time she was concerned, for example about students who cannot go home for Christmas. At UM, we have to arrange something for this, such as buddy groups. Minister Van Engelshoven concluded with the following words: “The years that you study shape your personality enormously. Precisely that aspect is now much more difficult to realize. But we keep looking for ways to solve that. ”

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