Lots of interest in HPIM at the Health Master Open Day

More than 800 persons potentially interested in following one of the Health Masters attended the Open Day, Saturday November 17, 2018.

Once again the interest in the master Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management (HPIM) was higher than the year before:  over 215 people registered for the two presentations of Aggie Paulus on HPIM. Milena Pavlova, Anne van der Vorst, Irina Pokhilenko, Aggie Paulus and three of the current HPIM students (Chamaipat Suphawattnabodee, Alina Kitz, Philip Huynh) also informed people about HPIM at the information market that took place during that day. Inge van der Putten, Willy-Anne Kanters and Janet Verheijen helped out in the preparations for the open day. It was a pleasant day and students were very enthusiastic about HPIM.

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