
  • Education at UM can be resumed on January 6. Some important systems that are required for this are available online again from 2 January. 

  • Within the possibilities and limitations we currently have, Maastricht University (UM) wants to optimally inform students and staff about the consequences of the cyberattack for education and research.

  • Maastricht University is making every effort to minimize the impact of the cyber attack on education, research and on students and staff.

  • Maastricht University (UM) is currently working day and night on solutions for the major ransomware attack which occurred on Monday, 23 December 2019.

  • Placeholder

    Cyber attack against UM

    Maastricht University (UM) has been hit by a serious cyber attack. Almost all Windows systems have been affected and it is particularly difficult to use e-mail services.

  • The European Commission has awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) award to Inge Timmers for the project ‘Imaging circles of engagement: Neural correlates of parent empathic distress in the context of chronic pain’. 

  • For the research group led by Susan Rutten, professor of Islamic Family Law in a European Context at Maastricht University (UM), in recent weeks, everything has fallen into place. Partly in response to the recommendations of their MARICAP study, the Dutch minister of legal protection Sander Dekker...

  • VSNU, NFU, NWO and Elsevier have reached a framework agreement. In the short term, this means that from January 2020 we will have access to all online journals from Elsevier and UM scholars can publish Open Access in all Elsevier journals – Full OA and Hybrid – without paying APC.

  • American station BYU Radio talks ancient board games and artificial intelligence with Dr. Cameron Browne for their show Top of Mind (interview in English).