ICGI contributes to 19th Ius Commune Congress in Edinburgh

The 27th and 28th of November, the Ius Commune Research School organises its 19th Ius Commune Congress which will be hosted in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh.
Ius Commune facilitates research activities conducted by its 230 researchers and another 130 doctoral students. The annual Ius Commune Congress consists of several plenary sessions and also multiple workshops.

Four ICGI-fellows will be present to actively contribute to the event.

First of all, ICGI Research fellow mr. dr. Olaerts will chair the workshops on CSR and on Company law. These workshops will take place on the 28th of November.

Furthermore, ICGI PhD-fellows mr. Constantijn van Aartsen and mr. Bastiaan Kemp will be present. Mr. van Aartsen has only recently started his research activities and will consequently attend the congress in an orienting fashion and will actively contribute to discussions. Mr. Kemp will give a workshop on ‘Shareholders and the corporate purpose’. His workshop will focus on the responsibility of shareholders to take into account the corporate purpose (an important legal norm in Dutch company law) when exercising their shareholder-rights.

Last but not least, ICGI Academic Director Prof. Schwarz, who is also Ius Communes’ Chairman of the Board of Governors, will perform the official closing of the Congress.

Naturally, ICGI hopes that the event will be very insightful and productive to all participants!

More information on the 19th Ius Commune Congress can be found here and on the Ius Commune Research School in general here

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