ECL ECToH Best Poster Prize for Kim Romijnders

Kim Romijnders has won the ECL ECToH Best Poster Prize for her poster ‘A qualitative assessment of determinants of e-cigarette use in the Netherlands’.

The award was granted at the 7th European Conference on Tobacco or Health (ECTOH), which was held 22-25 March 2017 in Porto, Portugal.

The qualitative study assessed reasons for and beliefs about electronic cigarette (e-cigarettes) use among adult vapours and smokers, and adolescent non-users.

Reasons for e-cigarette use go beyond smoking cessation. Adolescents, for example, were curious about e-cigarettes use without nicotine, but not with nicotine due to appealing flavours and no perceived harm. Therefore, there is a need to increase knowledge about e-cigarettes.

This project is part of the Strategic Programme of RIVM (SPR), a programme for research, innovation, and knowledge development. This way, RIVM is prepared for the questions of tomorrow.

Kim is a PhD candidate at the Department of Health Promotion & the Center for Health Protection (GZB) at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. Her research is embedded in the research line Promoting Health & Personalised Care.

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