Maastricht University and Radboud University band together to reduce teacher shortage

Academic teacher training study programme launched in Maastricht

Friday February 3 saw the kick-off of Leren op Locatie (Learning on Location): an intensive collaboration between Maastricht University and Radboud University. The institutions aim to create a complete range of academic courses to combat the teacher shortage in secondary education with a joint work-study programme.

This programme will lower the threshold for obtaining a first-degree qualification via an academic training path for (potential) teachers in Limburg. It is necessary both to solve the current shortage as well as the issue of the high amount of current qualified teachers who are retiring soon. The region will urgently need university-trained teachers in the coming years.

A flexible and customised first-degree programme

This flexible and customised programme is aimed at teachers without a first-degree qualification who are already working in a classroom, and interested parties who are currently working in another sector. With a first-degree qualification, teachers can teach courses at havo, vwo, vmbo, mbo, and practical education levels. This work-study programme ties in with any prior education, experience, and the target group’s needs and lasts a maximum of two years.

Accessible teacher education

This tailor-made programme fits in with the broader national ambition of the Bestuursakkoord Flexibilisering Lerarenopleidingen in Nederland (Administrative Agreement on Flexibilisation of Teacher Education in the Netherlands). (Academic) teacher training courses will become more accessible and attractive to potential teachers by better matching their needs. Partners in the Limburg region, such as regional schools and other training institutes, are also involved in these developments.

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