Maastricht University illustration internationalisation


Maastricht University: from the (Eu)region, for the (Eu)region

Maastricht University is proud to be the most international university in the Netherlands. We are grateful for the richness and diversity provided by our international staff, students and study programmes—and the ensuing endless supply of inspiring stories. 

We want to share these stories with everyone who carries the province in their heart, be they from Limburg or otherwise. And with everyone who wants to know why Limburg, of all places, is the right place for a university—because UM is here for you, too.

Infographic: what value does the university bring to the region?


Interviews and stories

1. Serve the City © Joris Hilterman

Serve the City unites Maastricht

Beverlianne Green moved from Anchorage, Alaska to Maastricht to pursue a master's degree in Contemporary Literature and Arts: Cultural Interventions and Social Justice. Adjusting to living and studying in Maastricht took some getting used to. Moving on your own to a new country with a different culture and language and without a support network can be challenging. Upon her arrival in Maastricht, Beverlianne quickly realised that she wanted to get involved with the local community.

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Read more interviews and stories

  • Moving on your own to a new country with a different culture and language and without a support network can be challenging. Master's student Beverlianne Green therefore quickly realised she wanted to get involved with the local community.  Through the Personal & Professional Development Portal of...

  • Maastricht University takes care of many distinctive buildings that we all know. For example, the Turnzaal at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Learn more about the oldest gym hall in the Netherlands.

  • South Limburg with its ageing population faces considerable challenges when it comes to health and wellbeing. UM research and innovation is already making a real difference. Hilde Verbeek, chair of the Limburg Living Lab in Aging and Long-Term Care, on how to empower older persons and battle the...

More news items
  • Maastricht University takes care of many distinctive buildings and art works that we all know. By giving them a new purpose, we preserve these icons and give them a new meaning, making them the vibrant heart of a bustling city. 

    Did you know that these buildings and art works also provide access to...

  • More and more Dutch people are struggling with debt and poverty. And just as you don’t put a band-aid on a broken leg, you can’t solve the problems of debt and poverty by helping one individual at a time. Genuine change calls for a systematic approach, which is where the ELSA Lab for Poverty and...
