Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

20 Jun

"Stayer Youth Shaping Their Transnational Family Lives: Experiences and aspiration of migrants’children living in Ghana"


30 Jun

"Institutional leadership during tough times:
Explaining the Responses of International Economic Organizations to Challenges

15 May

"Contestation-Legitimation Processes in Global Climate Governance – International Organizations and the Guiding Norm of Climate Change Action"

26 May

"Investing for the state: A finance-sensitive reading of the transnationalisation of Chinese state  capital in Europe


While the discourse around ChatGPT has probably started reaching saturation point, it’s worth pointing out how


Green chemistry didn't just happen

Peter Peters en Stefan Rosu

How can you reinvent the orchestra? The Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM) and philharmonie zuidne

ROBUST Consortium

The programme, which will boost fundamental research in artificial intelligence through public-private collaborations, has a total budget

Prime Minister Rutte's position in Europe is quite strong," observes EU expert Mathieu Segers, professor of European History at Maastrich


Bijzonder hoogleraar Taalcultuur Leonie Cornips ziet in ieder geval verregaande vormen van verbale en non-verbale communicatie tussen koe