05 Nov

On-Site PhD conferral mr. Koos van Geel, MSc.

Supervisors: prof. dr. J.J.G. van Merriƫnboer, prof. dr. S.G.F. Robben

Co-supervisor: dr. E.M. Kok (Universiteit Utrecht)

Key words: medical education, visual expertise, radiology, eye-tracking methodology

"Lifelong Learning In Radiology: All Eyes On Visual Expertise"

Radiological images, such as x-rays, provide invaluable information about the human body. However, radiological images are considered difficult to evaluate. Medical students, residents in radiology and senior radiologists have different levels of expertise in evaluating radiological images. Their learning experiences, therefore, also vary and should be supported differently. Students typically receive training on evaluating radiological images during medical school. Therefore, training should be as efficient and effective as possible. Radiology residents engage in workplace learning and evaluate medical images themselves. To foster their learning, additional and detailed sources of feedback are essential. Eye-tracking methodology objectively captures where, when and how long a resident has looked while evaluating images. Eye-tracking may therefore provide such feedback. Senior radiologists need to continuously adapt to new imaging techniques. To support their learning, it is necessary to aid the implementation of new imaging techniques into everyday medical practice.