21 Jan

PhD Conferral Mw.drs. Conny W.E.M. Quaedflieg

“Stress Resilience; learning from imaging the brain”


  • prof.dr. H.L.G.J. Merckelbach


  • dr. T. Smeets 

Resilience is defined as the ability to deal with stress in a healthy way. The effects of stress hormones on the brain were researched using imaging techniques (EEG, fMRI) combined with an experimental stress analysis of test subjects. The research found that a weak connection between the amygdala and the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during the early recovery phase following acute stress was associated with lower stress resilience. This finding is associated with right lateral frontal activity and a reduction of stress hormones in patients with depression.
The research also investigated whether brain asymmetry can be altered using EEG neurofeedback, with the goal of improving stress resilience. This study revealed significant differences in an individual’s ability to alter frontal asymmetry.