08 Jun

PhD Conferral dhr.drs. Willem J.M. Koops

Supervisors: prof.dr. C.P.M. van der Vleuten; prof.dr. L.H.E. Snoecks;
co-supervisor: dr. B.A. de Leng, Münster

“Computer-supported collaborative learning in clinical  clerkships; Profits of an online asynchronous discussion  forum for medical students during workplace learning”

Keywords: workplace learning, digital learning environment, medicine

The results of this study demonstrate the suitability of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) as a learning environment for collaborative learning by medicine students during clinical clerkships. The results show what internet has to offer to students who need to study individually at a distance. It was concluded that a CSCL learning environment is a promising tool for medicine students in terms of enabling them to give feedback to each other on their respective learning tasks and to adjust these tasks in a clinical workplace learning setting. Due to the increase in technological developments and the digitalisation of society, distance learning becomes more and more important for universities and institutions of higher education. That is why the findings of this dissertation are important for universities to which the digitalisation of education, the provision of online learning possibilities and the ability to be connected to the university 24 hours a day, 7 days a week are particularly relevant.