10 Nov
11:00 - 14:00
UM Cares X Caregivers Day

Coffee, Cake & Chat - for student caregivers


Is someone in your family sick? Does your sibling need extra attention? Is your mum or dad not doing well? You are not alone.  We know that there are students who, next to their studies, have to (partially) care for other people for short or longer periods of time. UM Cares offers the opportunity to share your story and listen to the experiences of other students with caring responsibilities.

You are invited!

We invite you to 'Coffee, Cake & Chat' on Friday 10 November: a delicious coffee or tea, piece of flan or a muffin and a chat in honour of the National Day of Informal Caregiving - Dag van de Mantelzorg. Join us between 11:00-14:00 at the Student Services Centre (BON2) or at HOLA in Randwyck (UNS40). Registration is not necessary and a friend is also welcome.

We understand the challenges you face, the sometimes lonely feelings and the lack of understanding from fellow students. With this moment, we offer you a break and an opportunity to connect with others who truly understand your situation. Did you know that your student adviser might be able to help you?

In addition, we also want to celebrate the beautiful side of caring for another person. The moments of connection, the selflessness and the love and strength that comes from your dedication. Come relax with us, share your story or just enjoy a nice conversation over coffee and goodies.


questions? Send an email to: umcares@maastrichtuniversity.nl

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