10 Sep
13:30 - 18:30

Alumni day Faculty of Law

Click here to see the photos of the alumni day

In 2016 we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Maastricht University AND the 35th anniversary of our faculty. A great opportunity to look back on what the faculty has achieved and to look forward to a very promising future. As a token of our gratitude to our alumni who have contributed to our creation and our success, we are pleased to invite you to celebrate this anniversary with us. Please have a look on our website for more information on all anniversary events.

On Saturday, 10 september we will organise an event during which alumni and (former) Faculty of Law staff will have ample opportunity to meet and talk. From 19.00 hours we will join the inspiring, cultural PAS Maastricht programme (Parcours of Art and Science) that will be part of the university’s anniversary activities this year.


13.30 – 14.00 hours word of welcome Prof. Hildegard Schneider, dean (Statenzaal)
14.00 – 15.00 hours meet & greet (tutorial rooms 0.115 en 0.118)
14.30 – 16.30 hours B.O.O.M Opera try out “Die Zauberflöte”  (garden)

15.00 – 16.30 hours lecture by Prof. AW Heringa - National Sovereignty, Brexit and the EU (Statenzaal, in English)

15.15 – 16.45 hours debate about the guaranteed minimum income: an impossible perspective or a blessing for the future? Gijs Vonk, Professor of Social Security Law in Groningen and Luc Soete, rector magnificus UM and professor of International Economic Relations will discuss this issue with each other and the public. Especially for alumni master Recht en Arbeid, but other interested people are also welcome (Feestzaal, in Dutch)

16.30 – 18.30 hours drinks and walking dinner (common room and garden)
19.00 – 24.00 hours PAS Maastricht (free)

We would like to draw your attention to the lectures presented in the framework of PAS on Saturday evening by some of our own staff members:
Bram Akkermans, Catalina Goanta, Gwen Noteborn - Using Wearables in Class - 19.00-23.00 h.
Roland Moerland - Can Words do Violence? - 20.15-20.45 h.
Susan Rutten - Van huwelijk tot huwelijkse gevangenschap. Huwelijksrecht voor migranten in Nederland 19.15 en 21.15 h.

Are you a Faculty of Law alum and would you like to join us? Then please register as soon as possible via this registration form. Participation in the faculty programme is free, but the opera artists would be very pleased with a voluntary contribution after the show.

We look forward to see you on Saturday, 10 September.