D&I Grants 2021 - Call for proposals!

Would you like to organize activities as workshops, lectures, debates within the UM community or beyond its borders? To develop tools and facilities that help us measure and further develop diversity and inclusion? Or do you have an idea for a research project that can give useful input to UM policies?

UM Diversity & Inclusivity (D&I) Grants encourage innovative activities promoting diversity, inclusion and equity, complementing UM’s broader institutional efforts in D&I policy. Yearly, the grants provide seed funding for interdisciplinary student-staff teams to translate ideas into activities, tools and research related to diversity and inclusion that could produce a sustainable impact on our UM community.

You can request up to €15,000 for the realization of your idea. For inspiration, check out the 2020 and past D&I Grant winners.

Requirements and criteria

All applicants must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Funding shall only be granted for new activities or clear extensions of existing activities in alignment with the purpose of this call and in conformity with the funding criteria as described in Funding Criteria to this call text.
  • Teams should be diverse. Student/Staff cooperation is mandatory. Interfaculty collaboration is preferred. Collaboration with external partners is also welcome.
  • The maximum duration of the proposed project/activity is 12 months from the date as specified in the award (the ‘funding period’).
  • Only one proposal per person can be submitted.

Proposals will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Relation to one or more of the four core areas of UM’s D&I Strategy
  • Plan of execution (including budget estimate)
  • Relation to and added value for existing UM activities/taskforces
  • Impact and expected results
D&I Grants - Why you should apply

Three former D&I Grant winners share their experience and why they think the grants are a good initiative, and what they gained from the experience during their D&I Grant project.

Selection procedure, proposal form and deadlines

The selection procedure consists of two stages:

  1. Based on the requirements and criteria lists above, the D&I Advisory Council will invite a selected number of proposals to pitch their ideas on 20 April 2021, 3pm – 5pm.
  2. Based on the pitches, as well as the requirements and criteria listed above, we will notify successful applicants by 30 April 2021.

Please follow the link to the D&I Grants Proposal Form. All proposals have to be submitted using this form.

The deadline for handing in proposals is 15 March 2021.
Please send all proposals to diversity@maastrichtuniversity.nl with the subject line ‘UM Diversity and Inclusivity Grants’. Please ensure that at least one project participant is available to pitch on 20 April 2021 between 3pm and 5 pm. We will notify all awardees by 30 April 2021.