How the Dutch health care system works

In the Dutch health care system the general practitioner (GP or 'huisarts') is the gatekeeper to healthcare. Every student should have a GP. This way you can get medical care when you need it. In case you have mental health problems and need to see a therapist or specialist, you should talk to your GP first. He or she is the one to refer you to a specific therapist or mental health centre. Most GP’s have a praktijkondersteuner (POH = practice assistant) with a specialisation in mental health to bridge the gap when you are on a waiting list for therapy or further care.

For more information watch this movie:

Register with a GP or GP’s office in your neighbourhood as soon as you can, because some practices do not always take in new patients. Registering means that you go to the practice of the GP and fill in your details on a form they give you.

When choosing a GP it is probably most convenient to have one close to home. We therefore advise you to visit this website to view the nearest GP’s address, phone number and website or check out the map function on MyMaastricht. Simply call and make an appointment to register. Please remember to bring your identity card/passport and proof of health insurance (i.e., your insurance card) when registering. 

Make sure you check your health insurance before you go to the GP to see how much is covered. Check this link for more information on health insurance in the Netherlands.

If you need to see a doctor after office hours or during weekends, contact the Maastricht UMC+ GP Medical Post (huisartsenpost HAP) on +31 43 3877777.

For life threatening situations or emergencies, call 112.

If you have suicidal thoughts and need to talk to someone directly, please dial 0800-0113 or chat on the 113 website.

Emergency or crisis?  
Contact your GP

Outside office hours, call the Maastricht UMC+ GP Medical Post  (huisartsenpost HAP) +31 (0)43 75 00 123.

For life threatening situations, dial 112.
If you are having suicidal thoughts, dial 0800-0113 or go to