MCICM Database

One of the aims of the Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music is to provide an online space for orchestras, musicians, research centres, conservatories and other interested parties where learning experiences within the realm of innovation can be shared.


The first round of research for MCICM’s innovative projects database will focus on reaching out to Dutch and German orchestras and gathering information about innovative concerts and projects they have undertaken. First, orchestras will be asked what they consider to be an innovative concert format. This question can be directed at the marketing department as well as the artistic team. The season programs of orchestras will also be taken into consideration. Which concerts are labeled as innovative? What language was used to describe these concerts? Are there any cases where the researchers feel that a concert is innovative even if it was not identified as such? Are there any innovative series or recurring events? Orchestras will also be asked to provide information about innovation projects and can supplement the data with multimedia.

It is important to note that the projects we seek for the database do not have to be successful. There is a lot to be learned from projects that failed in any way. Instead of labeling innovative projects as successes or failures, we should open up the conversation to more constructive and learning-oriented exchanges. 

The database will also focus on the whole process of creation because there is much to be learned from the way decisions are made, from concert design and marketing to the way the musicians play and interact with the audience, as well as the organizational structure of the orchestras.