Past events

  • 29 Jun
    15:30 - 17:00

    Webinar: Lobbying in Times of COVID-19

    This webinar focuses on "Lobbying in times of COVID-19". It seeks to encourage debate and exchange between professionals, academics and students in European public affairs.

  • 24 Apr 28 Apr
    09:00 - 18:00

    Student Forum Maastricht 2019

    Are you interested in the European Union and in EU policy-making? You want to work on interesting topics together with an international team? You are a student aged between 18 and 30 years and did not participate in SFM before?

  • 06 Apr
    12:00 - 17:00

    Particle Physics Masterclass

    Maastricht Science Programme organises a particle physics masterclass. After an introduction and a crash-course in physics at the smallest scales, we will try to understand processes that were of great importance in the early universe.