Past events

  • 05 Jun
    09:45 - 14:30

    10th International IP Congress

    Each year, speakers from Queen Mary University of London, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Maastricht University provide a compact and insightful update  on the most recent legal developments in the main areas of intellectual property law in Europe. This year, the focus will be on on IP and...

  • 30 Nov
    13:00 - 17:00

    Actualiteiten EU-procesrecht

    Deze cursus, die van het Digi-Guard project deel uitmaakt, zal u op de hoogte brengen van de meest recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van het EU-procesrecht.

  • 16 Nov
    10:30 - 13:00

    NEXT ITEM - NIEUWSPOORT: House of Representatives election debate, are the border regions in the picture?

    In the run-up to Election Day, the Expertise Centre ITEM (the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) of Maastricht University) is analysing the relevant aspects for border regions and cross-border cooperation in the party manifestos of the 15 highest...

  • 26 Oct
    12:00 - 19:00

    Elverding Conference 2023

    Enhancing sustainable business and corporate regulation in the EU.

  • 26 Oct 27 Oct
    09:00 - 17:00

    ICON-S BENELUX Chapter Inaugural Conference

    Crises, Challenges, and the Future of Public Law  

    The newly founded ICON-S Benelux Chapter will organize its Inaugural Conference on 26-27 October 2023. The conference will take place in Maastricht (NL), hosted by Maastricht University - Faculty of Law, with a fully in-person program of panels and...

  • 10 Oct
    17:00 - 22:00

    (on)bespreekbaar – praat mee over vrouwengezondheid!

    Op 10 oktober 2023 gaan wij graag in gesprek met jou! Help jij ons verschillende taboes te doorbreken? Praat dan met ons over vrouwengezondheid.

  • 22 Jun 23 Jun
    09:00 - 16:30


    Sustainable & Digital Competition on the Merits:  A Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspective


  • 22 Jun
    08:45 - 16:30

    Cybersecurity conference 

    This conference is guided by three guiding themes on which invited experts as well as selected participants based on their submitted abstracts will be presenting breakthrough research and approaches. 

  • 14 Jun
    09:30 - 17:15

    Globalized crime and criminal justice: European and international criminal law perspectives

    This conference aims to compare and critically assess the developments in European Criminal Law and International Criminal Law. The conference sets out to analyse differences and similarities with regard to a variety of different aspects of criminal justice in a globalized world.

  • 12 Jun 13 Jun
    10:00 - 12:30

    Symposium Virtual Criminal Trials

    The aimed output of the symposium is to create the forum for setting up a future research agenda and create opportunities for international and interdisciplinary collaboration amongst multidsciplinary experts in thie field.