Ageing and Long-Term Care

The Research Line Ageing and Long-Term Care (ALTC) creates an inspiring scientific environment where researchers in the area of ageing and long-term care conduct high quality research in close collaboration with the (regional) health care field in order to increase quality of care and quality of life among older people.

Research and Impact

We develop and disseminate knowledge on psychosocial, clinical and environmental determinants of health care problems, including prevalence, needs, social participation, and independency. Furthermore, we develop and evaluate innovative programmes, research methods and interventions for and with older persons, enabling functional capacity and improving the quality of long-term care. Improving scientific methods and implementation of evidence are important in this.


  • How can the use of data support learning and improvement within care teams and across organisations? PhD students Merel van Lierop (Maastricht University) and Alies Depla talk about their action research in elderly care and in integrated birth care: 2 different sectors, working on similar processes.

  • On 26 July the Living Lab Assistive Technology Self-Reliance (AWH-Z)  was officially launched. CAPHRI is one of the core partners. AWH-Z is one of 5 Dutch Living Labs Assistive Technology that are supported by ZonMw for a period of 6 years.

  • During the annual Maastricht University Dinner, Katya Sion (CAPHRI/ Living Lab Ageing and Long-Term Care Limburg) received the Impact Prize for her thesis "Connecting conversations: experienced quality of care from the resident’s perspective: a narrative method for nursing homes".

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Projects and partners

Here we provide insights into what topics a selection of our research projects are tackling, who the actors involved in them are, and how these projects aim to promote resilience in daily functioning of older people, irrespective of their living situation, abilities and place of residence.


DEDICATED: Desired Dementia Care Towards End of Life
I-HARP: Identifying Heart Failure Patients with Palliative Care Needs
TRANS-SENIOR: Transitional Care Innovation in Senior Citizens
Improving ADL nursing care of long-term care clients
The feasibility, effects and costs of the ‘Stay Active at Home’ programme. Evaluation of a preventive integral approach in primary care that stimulates physical activity among community-dwelling older adults

Living Labs

Research Line Ageing and Long-Term Care participates in the following Living Labs: 

Living Lab in Ageing and Long-Term Care South Limburg
Living Lab Sustainable Care



Here you can find an overview of staff members connected to the research line Ageing and Long-Term Care:

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