
  • Ahead of the European elections, there are concerns about the state of democracy and rule of law in Europe. In the Netherlands, it is a concern hanging around the formation table. For a long time, Poland seemed to be heading in the same direction as Hungary, but since last October's elections, the...

  • Get ready for the ultimate European election experience! On April 29th, Studio Europa and Politico are hosting the third edition of the Maastricht Debate, gearing up for the European Parliament elections (6-9 June).

  • FPN’s prof. dr. Rainer Goebel has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant of € 2,5M for his research project Reading the Mind’s Eye: AI inspired personalised brain models of mental imagery. Goebel is among 255 researchers (out of 1829 applications in all domains) in Europe to receive the grant, and he is...

  • Ahead of the European Parliamentary Elections in June, Studio Europa Maastricht and POLITICO warmly invite you for the Maastricht Debate 2024. The third edition of this large political debate will take place on Monday, April 29 in the Theater aan het Vrijthof.  

  • All in all, when reading about the farmers' protests, few people will have thought "this is good news for the EU. And yet the farm protests might well be just that.

  • Philosopher Maud Oostindie of Maastricht University is one of the new 'Faces of Science' presented today by the KNAW. Through blogs and vlogs, she is going to show what her life as a young scientist looks like.

  • Living brains in a laboratory and research on internet freedom –two of the ten nominees for the Klokhuis Science Prize this year are UM scientists. And you can also vote!

  • The European elections are just around the corner. Democracy in the EU has shortcomings, but the EU has mostly lacked political debate in recent decades. It is good that this is changing.

  • When nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is used recreationally, its presence remains detectable in the breath and bloodstream for at least 60 minutes after inhalation, and the development of an instrument to measure it is technically feasible. These were among the findings of a study at Maastricht...

  • The family of Maastricht professor Mathieu Segers has been awarded the City of Maastricht's Sign of Merit by Deputy Mayor Frans Bastiaens. Segers died in December.