
  • We are proud to announce that the open executive programmes of Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE) have been included in the global top 80 by the Financial Times in their Open-enrolment Executive Education Ranking 2024. 

  • Climate change and environmental pollution are central challenges of our time. Environmental policies that can effectively and equitably incentivize the energy transition, foster climate change resilience and adaptation, and reduce the detrimental impact of environmental degradation on human well...

  • Teaching and mentoring roles often intersect, creating opportunities for academic development and personal interactions between students and tutors. 

  • Quantum Computers

    What is Quantum?

    Atoms and smaller elementary particles behave in unusual, sometimes unpredictable ways. It sounds strange, but it is this unpredictability that gives a quantum computer its power. Executing precise calculations with previously unheard-of possibilities in a way that physicists still do not completely...

  • Thanks to an initiative of Prof. Dr. Edward Huizenga, children in Kenya, Uganda, India, Vietnam and the Netherlands are learning together how to wash their hands to prevent infectious diseases that would otherwise prevent them from attending school. 

  • Gerco Onderwater investigates the flavour of the universe while guarding the flavour of the Maastricht Science Programme. On 31 May, during his inaugural lecture, he provided a pre-taste of his work in Maastricht. 

  • The perfect recycling of plastics from household waste is one step closer, thanks to research into quality monitoring at all stages of the recycling process. The University of Maastricht, the National Test Centre Circular Plastics, and their collaborators have received a government subsidy of over...

  • In our interconnected global economy, uncertainty is like a tempest that sweeps across financial markets, businesses, and households. It’s that unsettling feeling when you’re unsure about what lies ahead—the fog that obscures the path forward. But what exactly is economic uncertainty, and why does...

  • The VR-enhanced PBL project report produced by EDLAB and DEXLab explores the benefits of integrating VR technology into PBL classrooms.

  • Digitalisation can help support facilitating setting up potential cross-departmental and societal research collaborations for science-centred research and impact creation to deal with ever-increasing complexity of societal challenges. The critique of disciplinary research silos can be corresponded...