Academics in the media

To be on the front page of the NRC—we all want that. In practice, there is not a daily place reserved for academic or university news on the front page of the paper. And approaching and dealing with the media is a separate skill in itself.

News_events - Mediatips

Maastricht University has a number of press officers for this. They help UM researchers to communicate their findings and are the first contact point for many media when they want to speak with UM academics. These pages give an initial glimpse into the world of media and press relations. If you want to get in touch with the media because you have something to announce, please feel free to contact us; we will be glad to help you.

Would you like an extensive preparation for telling your story to the media? The Media Presentations Training Centre is based in the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience and uses insights from psychology and neuroscience for media presentation training and coaching. Media trainings for academics (and other employees) are faciliated for by the Staff Development Center.