17 Dec

On-Site PhD conferral mrs. Alicia L.T. Walkowiak

Supervisors: prof. dr. F.R.H. Zijlstra, prof. dr. U.R. Hülsheger

Key words: work and organizational psychology, dynamic performance, unforeseen change, air traffic control

"Dynamic Performance. The influence of Task and Individual Characteristics"

Nowadays, it is expected from employees that they are flexible and able to deal with unforeseen changes at work. This is what has been called dynamic performance or adaptive performance. In Air Traffic Control, it is even more important that Air Traffic Controllers are able to deal with all the information they receive to ensure safe air traffic. In the light of sudden technological failures, it is important to find out which factors predict how employees can effectively respond to such a failure. In this way, information will be gained on how to cope with, for example, these technological failures and how we can assist professionals to cope with these types of unforeseen changes in the work. This PhD thesis describes a literature review and three empirical studies about how individuals effectively respond to unforeseen changes in their work, and which characteristics of the task and the individuals can predict dynamic performance.