26 Mar
14:00 - 15:15

GSBE Seminar Gabriele Paolacci (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Gabriele Paolacci is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Gabriele joined RSM after graduate studies at Ca' Foscari University of Venice (where he got his PhD) and at Ross School of Business, University of Michigan (where he was a visiting scholar).

In his research, Gabriele focuses on substantive and methodological issues in consumer judgment and decision-making. Within the substantive domain, he studies how people’s decisions seemingly contradict the assumptions and prescriptions of rational choice theory. He also conducts empirical research into the practices of data collection in the behavioral sciences. He has investigated whether crowdsourced samples (e.g., MTurk workers) provide data of high quality, and how to attenuate their distinctive threats to experimental validity (e.g., nonnaive participants, study impostors). He is an advocate of open science practices.

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