24 Sep
16:00 - 17:00
Studium Generale | Excursion

Excursion Maastricht Museum

The excursion is fully booked. Do you want to learn about the city you are going to live in for the next years, or already live in? Maastricht has a new museum that presents the history and stories of the city: from prehistoric times to the days of the Romans, and from the golden Middle Ages to the modern day. There are stories about Maastricht as a fortified city, industrial city and European city, and stories about the people of Maastricht.

Sign up for this guided tour by the director of the Maastricht Museum, Wim Hupperetz, who will show you around and tell about Maastricht's rich history that goes 2,000 years back and covers many interesting periods.

He will talk about the creation of the Maastricht Museum, its collections and their provenances, and its plans for the future. He will also show you the main themes of the city’s history, including the exhibition ‘Maastricht 1673 – the Sun King conquers the city’. The guided tour takes one hour.

Organised in collaboration with Centre Céramique.