Latest blog articles

  • “What kind of skills do we want our graduates to have?” was the main topic of discussion during a recent staff meeting, which got me thinking.

    As the faculty of law, perhaps the “right” answer would entail something along the lines of: “Our graduates need to be capable of arguing logically, writing...

  • Mobility and good public transport prove to be essential requirements for an attractive (border) region. Establishes ITEM-PhD candidate Julia Reinold in an interview with EurekaRail.

  • Stimulating cross-border labour mobility? Provide an adequate supply of information, uniformity in laws and regulations, language education and infrastructure, suggests 'ontgrenzer' Martin Unfried in an interview with EurekaRail.

  • While the world was looking towards Paris, there was another election that was taking place on Germany’s coast. Germany’s Social Democrats lose control of a pivotal state, at the worst possible time.

  • The 30%-facility is regularly discussed in both case-law and politics. The facility is currently under pressure and facing turbulent times. With a potential abolition, which may become reality, particular attention must be paid to the effects and possible alternatives. This blog is only available in...