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  • What does the term ‘MOCCA’ evoke in your mind, a kind of coffee or a specific brand? This Kat randomly asked this question to her friends currently at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Munich. Most of them regarded ‘MOCCA’ as a kind of coffee instead of a specific brand except...

    by: in Law
  • This summer we have witnessed the birth of the “European university”. In June, the European Commission announced the 17 successful bids for this status from consortia of institutions across the continent. Given that UK universities are among the best in the world, you would have expected them to be...

  • This week, the book based on the conference on pluralism in European private law, organised by Leone Niglia of the University of Exeter, was published by Hart Publishing. 

  • The Symposium is organised by the ULEP research project and LeCTra Research School (the University of Lapland) in cooperation with M-EPLI (the University of Maastricht).