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  • This blog is currently only available in Dutch.

    Op 22 mei 2019 verscheen de ‘Atlas voor gemeenten 2019’. De 50 grootste gemeenten van Nederland worden jaarlijks met elkaar vergeleken. Dat kunnen verschillende beleidsterreinen zijn waar lokale, regionale en centrale overheden zich mee bezighouden...

  • Het Europees Semester

    The European semester

    On 15 September, the Montesquieu Institute published her 6th policy paper, this time on the European semester... This blog is only available in Dutch.

  • An older post, but still up-to-date.

    The long-debated exit of Greece from the Eurozone as a consequence of the current financial crisis has re-emerged in January 2015 when German finance minister Schäuble indicated that a so-called ‘Grexit’ would be a scenario no longer unimaginable for the other...