Retention periods

UM does not keep personal data for longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose of processing. UM has defined a retention period for each type of processing. If this retention period can be extended, the terms under which it may be extended are also specified.

In some cases, UM is subject to a statutory duty of retention. Pursuant to the Public Records Act (Archiefwet), for example, UM is required to keep students’ degree certificates for 30 years. The retention periods based on the Public Records Act are specified in the Selectielijst Universiteiten en Universitair Medische Centra 2020 (Dutch only).

Personal data can also be kept for a longer period for historical, statistical and scientific purposes.

If you would like to know the retention period for a specific type of processing, please contact UM as follows:

Maastricht University
attn. Data Protection Officer
PO Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht

You can also contact UM’s Data Protection Officer directly by emailing