Virtual Information session for RWTH students on MSc Artificial Intelligence & MSc Data Science for Decision Making - 25 May

What it is like to study the master’s programmes Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for Decision Making at Maastricht University? Join our virtual information session and find out!

Due to COVID-19, we’re currently unable to invite you to Maastricht for our yearly in-person tour and information session. Therefore, we are offering you a virtual alternative. During the information session you’ll have the opportunity to find what our master’s programmes entail, what it’s like to study at Maastricht University and you’ll have the ability to ask questions on any topic related to the master’s programmes Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for Decision Making. Join the session and find out if our master’s programmes are the right match for you!

Please subscribe via the form and you’ll receive an invitation link and instructions via mail.

We hope to see you then!


When: Monday 25 May

Time: 15:30 - 16:30 (CET)

Where: Zoom (lnvitation to the zoom session will be sent via mail)

If you have any questions in regard to this virtual information session, please contact us via

Virtual Information session for RWTH students on MSc Artificial Intelligence & MSc Data Science for Decision Making - 25 May