Collaboration between Maastricht University & Radboud University

Maastricht University and Radboud University are to increase cooperation in education and research. Aim of the collaboration: to join forces to maximise the academic and social impact in the South-East region of the Netherlands.

Joint programmes in biotechnology and engineering physics are being developed, (partly) on the campus in Venlo. Both universities already have shared development programmes for healthcare professionals. Furthermore, the universities are also cooperating in the field of academic teacher training.

Impact in the region

Further collaboration will provide additional opportunities for students in the region (education), besides attracting and retaining knowledge through strong joint research ventures (research) and innovative spin-offs (impact). Venlo, with its central location, will form a hub for education, research and impact.

Working on this collaboration

Until 2027, the university administrations will provide an investment budget of 1 million (combined) per year. It may be invested in exploring or stimulating collaboration, e.g. as seed money, or spent on concrete projects.

Ambition document

Maastricht University and Radboud University have worked out the ambitions for their collaboration. The ambition document 2023-2027 sets out the focus for the next few years and explains how the collaboration will be facilitated. What are the plans, in a nutshell?

Read more about the new collaboration

Click here to read the
Ambition document 2023-2027

Annual Plan 2024

Based on the goals named in the ambition document of Maastricht University and Radboud University, or for projects where a clear foundation has already been laid, we determined actions. We share these in the 2024 annual plan. What are we working towards and when will this be a success? 

Click here to read the
Annual Plan 2024

Who are the members of the steering committee?

The collaboration between Radboud University and Maastricht University is being accompanied by a steering committee. Its members are:


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